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主办机构:中国国际贸易促进委员会农业行业分会 (农业农村部农业贸易促进中心) | 海外协办:美国海洋展览公司 Sea Fare Expositions, Inc.


Sustainable Seafood Forum 2017 (SSF2017)



会议组织 / Organizers:
China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance
World Wildlife Fund
Marine Stewardship Council
Aquaculture Stewardship Council

协办单位 / Co-Organizers:

会议日期 /  Date:

会议地点 / Venue:

会议主题 / Theme:
Practice on “Ecological priority & Green Development” and Promotion to the Consumption of the Sustainable Seafood

会议主要内容 / Contents:
The SSF2017 will be focus on The Actions and Practice of Responsible Fisheries and sustainable seafood marketing. We are inviting a number of fishery officials, key experts and leading practitioners from China, USA, Russia, and Canada, etc. We believe a sustainable future can only be secured by effective cooperation of leaders from these aforementioned sectors and countries/regions.

会议日程 / Agenda:
7:30 – 9:00报到/ Registration
8:00 – 8:45 MSC二十周年庆祝及答谢会/ Celebration &Reception for MSC 20th Anniversary
9:00 – 9:10开幕式致辞/ Opening Address
9:10 – 10:50主论坛议题一/ plenary session-Topic 1:负责任渔业的行动与实践/ The Actions and Practice of Responsible Fisheries
- 中国渔业资源与水产品贸易概况,以及负责任渔业政策与实践介绍——中国农业部渔业渔政管理局
China fisheries status, policies and practice on Responsible Fisheries—Bureau of Fisheries and Fisheries Law Enforcement, MOA of China
- 俄罗斯渔业资源与水产品贸易概况,以及负责任渔业政策与实践介绍——Mr. Petr Savchuk,俄罗斯渔业局副局长
Russia fisheries status, policies and practice on Responsible Fisheries—Mr. Petr Savchuk, Deputy Head of Russia Federal Agency for Fisheries
- 美国渔业资源与水产品贸易概况,以及负责任渔业政策与实践介绍——Mr. John Henderschedt, 国际事务与海产监管主任,美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)
America fisheries status, policies and practice on Responsible Fisheries—John Henderschedt, Director of Fisheries Office of International Affairs and Seafood Inspection,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
Panel Discussion
10:50–11:10茶歇/ Tea Break
11:10–12:25主论坛议题二/ plenary session-Topic 2:
- 国际可持续水产品市场发展前沿—Mr. Paul Uys,圭尔夫大学食品研究院资深外部董事
Analysis on the Practice of Responsible Fisheries and Market Development—Mr. Paul Uys, Senior Director External, the Food Institute of the University of Guelph
- 可持续水产品市场及消费实践对话/Panel Discussion on Sustainable Marketing
参与嘉宾/ Participants:
- Mr. Nicolas Guichoux,海洋管理委员会/ Marine Stewardship Council(MSC),全球商业总裁/ Global Commercial Director
- Ms. Esther Luiten,水产养殖管理委员会/ Aquaculture Stewardship Council(ASC)全球商业总监/ Senior Manager Commercial Marketing
- Mr. Tejas Bhatt, 美国食品技术协会/ Institute of Food Technologists (IFT),科技与政策部副总裁Vice President of Science and Policy Initiatives
- 陈莹/ Ms. Green Chen,香格里拉酒店集团/ Shangri-La International Hotel Management Ltd.,企业社会责任总监/ Area Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Manager- China
- 14:00–17:30分论坛一/ Breakout Session 1:中国负责任渔业与水产养殖案例分享/ Cases Analysis on China Responsible Fisheries and Aquaculture
- 14:00-15:45中国负责任渔业与水产养殖案例分享/Case Exchanges on Sustainable Seafood
- 15:45-16:00茶歇/Teabreak
- 16:00-17:30中国及国际水产品可追溯的实践与探索/Cases Analysis on Traceability of China and International Fisheries
12:00–16:30分论坛二/Breakout Session 2:助力区域产业升级的中国可持续水产品数据库/ A China-based Sustainable Seafood Database that catalyzes the industry upgrade at regional scale
- 12:30 –14:00午餐会 /ChinaBlue Luncheon
- 14:00-14:10嘉宾和议题背景介绍/ Introduction to Speakers and Background of the Subject
- 14:10-14:30如何助力产业升级?——从线性供应链到网状产业系统的变革之路/ From supply-chain to industry network: a systematic change that catalyzes the industry upgrade
- 14:30-15:00基于区域和生产模式的iFISH2.0评价体系方法与应用介绍/An introduction to iFISH2.0: methodology and application featuring zonal management and production models
- 15:00-15:40对话:数据共享与跨界应用/ Dialogue: Chinese seafood industry data-sharing and cross-sector application
- 15:40-16:00自由问答/ Q & A


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